Monday, March 26, 2012

EMDR in The New York Times

Spring Ridge Academy therapists have found EMDR to be extremely effective. We are pleased EMDR has recently received national attention when it was featured by the New York Times. Following the article, Dr. Francine Shapiro, the developer of EMDR, is answering readers questions. You can read the article and the question/answers at Experts Answers on EMDR by The New York Times.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Ridge Academy Intensive Workshop

Melissa Cacialli, MA, LAC
As a therapist at Spring Ridge Academy, I could not be more excited to prepare and present the Intensive Therapeutic Workshop on depression and anxiety. I often interact with parents and students who are exhausted and bewildered when they can’t “just get over” the emotions they feel. In a few short weeks I’m hopeful that we’ll begin to untangle the web of despair and frustration these disorders wrap us in. The workshop itself will begin on the high ropes course at Chauncey Ranch. This wonderful resource is just miles from the Spring Ridge Academy campus. Nothing gets adrenaline going like hanging from a trapeze! It’s a perfect opportunity to begin working through the anxiety and fear that keep many students stuck in their personal growth. Back on campus we will move through the art barn and dance studio to get those emotions out of our minds and bodies where we can see them with eyes wide open. With coping strategies being sprinkled throughout the weekend I am certain that your daughters will leave feeling more capable and confident. I look forward to working with each and every one of them as we move closer to training weekend.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Few Words on Chemical Dependency

Janet Ander, MA, LAC

Special K, Ecstasy, and whippets may sound harmless or even pleasant from afar. Sadly, the latest generation of teenagers is fighting addictions against these hardly harmless chemicals… some you might even find under your nose in your own home. It’s true! Two of the greatest threats to adolescents today are the drugs of their parents’ generation (making a ‘come back’) and substances that can be found in your kitchen, garage, or medicine cabinet. Marijuana, cocaine and heroin all placed in the top 5 most commonly used drugs by adolescents in 2009. Many adults are familiar with the presence of these drugs, but many are surprised to find that the second most common drug used by teens, right behind marijuana, is prescription drug abuse. That’s right… the pain killers you didn’t finish after back surgery last summer, or the Robitussin you bought for that awful headcold. Also in the top 5 are inhalants: spray paint, Sharpie markers, computer-cleaning compressed air, gasoline, propane, aerosol cans, and whipped cream – to name a few. For our children, whether it is alcohol, street drugs, or household items, chemical dependency often starts from experimentation. It may be offered to them by a friend, or suggested to them when feeling ‘down’ or anxious. Adolescents will turn to these substances for a quick fix to the stresses of today’s teenage life. It is important that children are not only educated on the impacts of substance abuse, but also provided resources and support for managing stress, depression, and anxiety. Without alternatives, resourceful teenagers will find a way to cope.

In a few weeks, some of the students at Spring Ridge Academy will be attending an intensive workshop to learn about chemical dependency – the beginnings, the impacts, the short and long term effects, and how to start and maintain sobriety. This is when parents begin to ask, “So what can I do to help?” First, EDUCATE yourself and your children at home about which substances are dangerous and why. Next, let your SRA student and your other children know that you SUPPORT abstinence and sobriety – this means no experimenting and a substance free home if necessary. Find RESOURCES and alternatives for children who are struggling with academic and social stressors – counseling, tutoring, healthy youth groups, and after-school activities are a good start. Be ENCOURAGING, even when it feels natural to criticize. Many adolescents turn to substances as a means of coping with the criticism they already hear in their own heads. “I’m not good enough.” “I’m stupid.” “I’m a screwup.” What adolescents need are cheerleaders – adult who believe in them and notice their successes. Finally, have PATIENCE. Adolescents can be frustrating and so can the process of recovery they are going through. If you have a family member with a substance abuse problem or who is in recovery, be patient and find resources for yourself. Keeping yourself healthy makes you a better resource to others.

Janet Ander, MA, LAC is a therapist at Spring Ridge Academy.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Relationships and Dating

By Kimberly Campbell, MA, LAC

The girls at Spring Ridge Academy have multiple questions about relationships that run the gambit from how to begin anew with their families, to holding sexual boundaries while dating. I have been putting together an intensive workshop to provide a forum for the girls to begin to explore their thoughts, concerns, and questions around this topic. The participants will be receiving a great deal of education around family relationships, and how patterns which emerge in families manifest in their adolescent relationships later on. There will be art and dance and hiking and plenty of opportunity for gaining information about the most important relationship in any girl’s life, her relationship with her self.

Day one will include interactive lectures. Those of you who have sat in on any lecture by me can quickly visualize when I describe the first lecture as Musical Chairs. There is opportunity for dramatic acting as the girls will be invited to volunteer to participate. Throughout the three days the girls will discuss Facebook and how they “promote” their image on their personal profile. They will consider music lyrics. (I did not realize until I began searching diligently for “healthy relationship” music lyrics across all genres that the best lyrics were in Heavy Metal. Color me surprised! I had no intention of even looking there until I discovered, to my utter dismay, the difficult task of finding healthy relationship lyrics in other musical genres.) The girls will be writing skits to share with one another about relationships and what they are learning.

Hopefully, you are getting a good understanding that this learning experience will be filled with fun and activity. May I give you some homework now, parents? This is the same homework I frequently give. I believe that mother - daughter cooking assignments build nurturing, loving relationships. Mothers supply the infant with food and that is often diminished by adolescent years. I believe mothers and children working together in the kitchen renew that nurturing, loving relationship. Father – daughter weekend area visits serve to strengthen that relationship, separate from mother. Fathers teach children some of the basic fundamentals of life. I want to encourage you fathers to take your daughters for area visits as frequently as you are able and teach your daughter how to expect her future young man should treat her.

Kimberly Campbell, MA, LAC is a therapist at Spring Ridge Academy.