Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Great Day!

Friday, July 29 was a great day at Spring Ridge Academy! It was graduation day. As the students walk in the room with their cap and gowns, and their parents watch with pride - it is like any other high school on graduation day. What is hard to believe, is many of these girls and their families never thought this day would happen. When they came to SRA, it was their last hope. The ceremony continued with speeches from the students and family members. As tears flowed, many people spoke of gratitude for SRA staff, as well as, for their own family members for their continuous support. Students and family members spoke about the hard work they did to restore their family system; and they talked about continuing the journey. One student spoke about the love she has for her peers and recognizing that she will never have friendships like the ones she developed at SRA; and her appreciation for sharing this experience together.

The room was filled with love and support. Not only were family members, friends, students in the audience, but former students and former employees returned to SRA on a hot, Friday morning to share in the special day. When students arrive at SRA they become part of family; and when they leave the campus the family stays with them. After lunch, it was time to say good-bye to the SRA campus. Students hugging their peers with tears rolling down their faces say good-bye for now. But, they will always have a place in the Spring Ridge Academy family.

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